
Thanks Mike!!!! If I could figure out emojis I would have hands in prayer position showing gratitude!

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Thanks Mike!!!! If I could figure out emojis I would have hands in prayer position showing gratitude!

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Lovely story. I can feel being there and all the hard labour of love in wheeling in the salmon and preparing it. Do you eat it or sell it or both?

You have a team of huskies.

We had a Siberian Husky when we lived in rural NH, but the place was not big enough for her. Mischa would break free and run all day and poke around people's lots.

So, after some time, we gave her to a family who had other Siberians and a large working farm. It was hard, because she was gourgeous as any dog I have seen and highly intelligent.

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Thank you! I never met a mean husky. This is part of my memoir and it was many years ago. I was born in Alaska but am now retired in California. So glad you enjoyed the story.

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Good luck with your memoir.

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Thank you. 🙏

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this - lovely!!

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Mar 3Liked by Elizabeth Ro

Wow, so interesting and well written.

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Wow!!! So appreciated. I’m touched and amazed and thrilled . 🙏

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Elizabeth Ro

Ah, so.

I recall hearing from time to time that an idle mind is the Devil’s workshop, and that the heart has its own reasons that reason cannot understand.

I often have mused that the Indian art of Kali wearing a necklace of severed men’s heads, while she held up a severed man’s head in one of her four hands, and a sword in another of her hands, and her tongue is stuck out, and she stands with both feet on Shiva lying on his back with his hands clasped behind his head, looking up at her, and there is a horde of angry half-naked women behind Kali, suggests she doesn’t care for how men think :-).

Twice in the past few years, I let men in India get inside my laptop, after they persuaded me they would fix it for me, and then they tried to stick me up, and after trying to reason with them didn’t work, I told them that in the fall of 2002, a woman I was sweet on told me in a dream, “Sloan, you married Kali!”, and I woke up, terrified. Then, I was taken into yet another course in looking at me in a mirror. After hearing that, the men in India restored my laptop to me and bid me adieu.

I passed through Mumbai for 3 days in 2000, but otherwise my experiences with India are from reading about it and taking with people I go to know well, who went to India and lived in ashrams, and they felt it was really important that they did it, and they were struggling to move on to the the next place their souls wanted to them to go.

Looks to me that your soul took you to the Yukon River. :-)

Yesterday, I wrote this description for a book coming out of me, Grandfossil’s Tales to His Grandchildren. The chapters can be read at grandfossil.blogspot.com. When the book is completed, it will be a free read at archive.org, which has a number of my non-fiction books and three of my novels, all of which might be viewed as stranger than fiction by some people :-).


Ok, younguns. Confession time. I went back to 1994 to hijack the title of this unfolding book from the husband of my oldest daughter, who called me after their first child was born and asked me what I wanted my grandchildren to call me? I said, “Grandfossil,” and that stuck.

Confession time again. I hijacked the title of this book from the Eurasian mystic G.I. Gurdjieff’s 2nd book, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandchildren, in which Gurdjieff is Beelzebub recounting for members of his spiritual movement how he matured from being not so smart and wise and what he learned along the way and what they might wish to take from it and use for themselves.

One of my best college friends went to work for the New York Environmental Agency in Albany, New York and his first assignment was to clean up the Love Canal, which was a chemical waste dump. After some years, he was running that agency. After 20 years, he retired and went to work for the United States Environmental Protection agency in Washington, D.C. One day, he told me that he was the guy who decided what chemicals farmers put on the foods I ate. He retired from that job and went to work for a company that was trying to raise awareness for the environment in America. He told me they had concluded that most adults were impossible to reach, so they were going into lower, middle and high schools, hoping to reach children.

So, yes, I hijacked his environmental company, too, because the spiritual food every person has to deal with, one way or another, consciously or consciously, is the social, religious and political pollution of themselves and the human species, which process Gurdujieff called “The Work”, which I came to be involved in in my 45th year, not because I was smart or devout, but because I was totally desperate, out of bright ideas, and felt I had failed in every way a man could fail.

In that wretched state, I prayed one morning in early January 1987, “Dear God, I do not wish to die like this, failed. I offer my life to human service.” About ten days passed. I woke in the wee hours, maybe 2 a.m., and saw two white, shift-shaped beings hovering above me in the darkness. I figured they were angels. I heard, “This will push you to your limits, but you asked for it and we are going to give it to you.” I remembered the prayer I had made and saw a white flash and was jolted by something electrical. That happened two more times. The beings faded out. The time elapsed was about 10 seconds. My body was shaking and sweating.

Slowly, in phases, I was turned upside down and inside out and every which-a-way but loose. I was stood before endless mirrors looking at myself. Some of it was wonderful, sublime. A lot of it was horrible. My way of thinking, feeling, and perceiving myself and people and the world around me completely changed. If it happened to me, it can happen to anyone. It helps to know it happened to others.

Sloan Bashinsky

March 2, 2024

Birmingham, Alabama, USA

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Well, this is amazing because what you said about Kali makes sense now in that she brings significant change and is seen as evil. I thought instantly of Beelzebub when you shared your book title. I love that. And yes, people have a hard time moving into their own experience and becoming Witnesses themselves. Thank you for this. I am truly amazed at the Kali reference and how it ties in to transformation and change. I’ll be looking more into that!

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In 2002, I did two soul drawings of Kali, and she was beautiful, blond in one drawing, red-headed in another. and, yet, when sometimes I dreamed of her, I felt like I had been spanked for trampling the feminine in something going on in my waking life. I came to view her as the Hindu version of Jesus in the Gospels, death and resurrection, so to speak, but in the soul sense.

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Mar 3Liked by Elizabeth Ro

Hello from New Zealand, love your writing Elizabeth, this is wonderful! Re the Kali/Jesus/Mary connections, Clark Strand wrote a book of poems about Kali - Now is the Hour of Her Return. He records monthly visitations from the Holy Mother on the website Way of the Rose.

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How interesting. Yes! Is that on Substack or just google it? Very, exciting to find out about this. Thank you!

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I get it. I will need to read up on her now. My thoughts go to Lilith (see Talk Lilith to Me) and Mary the mother of Jesus. This is a new dig for me and I am grateful you brought this up. 🙏

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Liked by Elizabeth Ro

I don’t know what you might find written about Kali. My experiences with her, thus my take on her, are from my own experiences with her, and that India art of her seems to speak for itself.

My younger daughter had a pet ball python she named Lilith. I don’t know much about Lilith, either.

My take on Eve is she did precisely what God designed her to do, and then she caught bloody hell for it from the religious pundits, who did not understand, for how could people really know God, who had not experienced being absent from God?

Perhaps my view of Eve explains why I was not drawn to Lilith.

I was drawn to Magdalene, who clearly in the Gospels was Jesus’s mate- O Lord, I could not help saying again, if she washed his feet with her hair and tears, and then anointed his feet with precious oil she scarce could afford, what did she wash and anoint him with when they were in private?

Why did Jesus send Magdalene to the men disciples in hiding after the crucifixion, to tell them she had seen him and he would be with them soon? Unless, to tell them that she stuck with him and they fled, and she was really important to him.

At Petentcost, the men disciples received the Holy Spirit, the female side of God, not recognized by Christendom, but recognized in Judaism as Shekinah. Up to then, the men were still little boys, quarreling among themselves, not getting what Jeuss had taught them. Shekinah activated in them the seeds Jesus had planted and grew them into men God could use.

Same happened for women Jesus knew, who are not recognized as disciples by Christendom. Same happened later to women and men in Christendom, some of whom the Church recognized as saints, some were not.

Should I suppose you have read Holy Blood Holy Grail, about Jesus and Magdalene’s bloodline, whose carriers even today do not feel like they are from this planet, but they are stuck here for a while?

Jesus in the Gospels taught a way of thinking and living that would have changed humanity completely, if it had taken hold generally.

I think Kali is kinda like that in Hinduism. Although I don’t know if that is how Hindus view her, I met a Hindu man in Key West, who was a devote of Kali, and I watched her deal with him, and he knew it was her, when he strayed away from her, and it wasn’t pretty.

Maybe instead of reading up on Kali, you just go about your life and see if she shows up?

Maybe she sent you to Yukon Alaska? :-_

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You pointed me a direction and I appreciate it. Thanks a bunch.

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I think you might wish to reconsider your position on Lucifer, which I think I suggested once before to you? I’ve had lots of dealings with that realm, and it’s very real and it’s very tricky. In the fall 1995, I was told in sleep, it is very easy to mistake Lucifer for The Holy Spirit. And then I spent a long time learning why I was told that, and it was not pretty, and it was really difficult, and I remain even now ever concerned I am at risk to it, if I am not very careful.

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This is lovely.

I’m curious why you named your books “Leaving Lucifer”?

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Thank you and I am honored you liked it. I think you are an amazing writer and I enjoy the writes you put out, so I am double, double honored.

I wrote my first book Leaving Lucifer, Part 1 (available on Amazon) which details my drive to India and meditating in a Buddhist monastery for 5 months. It's a light-hearted read although the title appears dark. So, what I am placing on my Stack is the Part 2, the END. I use Lucifer to represent the going from one place of knowledge (brain) to another place of awareness (heart).

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Thank you!

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I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you for your support.

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Thank you!!!

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Thank you!

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Thank you

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Thank you so much!

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deletedMar 27Liked by Elizabeth Ro
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of course you are not dumb.

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deletedMar 27Liked by Elizabeth Ro
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